A large number of young chefs join CAP

Chefs Association of Pakistan (CAP) recently opened its membership resulting in the joining of a large number of new members.

To welcome the new members of CAP, a certificate distribution ceremony was organized at CAP head office Lahore Pakistan. Membership certificates were distributed among the new chefs joining CAP.

CAP office manager Fraaz Mahmood Qasuri informed the members about the scope and importance of CAP. He said that Chefs Association of Pakistan is the only representative organization of chefs in the country which is also a member of World Chefs Paris; a global authority on food. By becoming a member of CAP, chefs can avail multiple local as well as international opportunities, he added.

Chef Usman from Unilever, Chef Basit from National Foods Pakistan and Chef Abid from Dynamit Chow were also present at the occasion. Speaking to the audience, they informed the young chefs about career growth in the industry. They motivated young chefs through their success story and also gave them tips for success in their career.

New members of CAP were quite excited to join the esteemed platform of chefs in Pakistan. They were of the view that after getting associated with CAP, they will try to come up to the expectations of CAP and Worldchefs, Paris.